Sagitta featured in EPIC's Interoperability Showcase at HIMSS 2021

Innoculate - COVID-19 Vaccine Management Solution

Public Health Equity Management

and Pediatric Vaccinations

What factors shape public health?

Health equity means “everyone has a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as possible.1 This requires removing obstacles to health such as poverty, discrimination, and their consequences, including powerlessness and lack of access to good jobs with fair pay, quality education and housing, safe environments, and health care.”

80% of Health is Shaped by Factors Outside of Health Care.2


Socioeconomic Factors

Such as education, job status, family/social support, income and community safety.

Physical Environment


Health Behaviors

Such as tobacco use, diet & exercise, alcohol use, and sexual activity.

Health Care

Such as access to care and quality of care.

Common Barriers to Vaccination

Historically underserved populations including people of color, rural residents, and others are less likely to receive the vaccine than higher-income, more privileged and urban residents.

Vaccine hesitancy refers to delay in acceptance or refusal of vaccines despite availability of vaccine services, and is influenced by factors such as complacency, convenience, and confidence.3

Historically, previous health and socioeconomic policies have left a lasting impact where low-income and the underprivileged have endured the effects of concentrated poverty, environmental hazards, and limited access to good schools, jobs, and health care.

With Innoculate, we are working to directly address these preventable and distressing differences.

Case Study: Pediatric Vaccinations

Mira's Case

  • Mira is 14 and lives in a low-income community
  • Her source of meals is school
  • She lives in a single parent home
  • Her dad can’t take off from work, as he is paid a daily wage
  • Mira doesn’t get vaccines – getting a vaccine equals losing a meal and income.
Innoculate - COVID-19 Vaccine Management Solution

The Solution

We enable vaccinations at multiple locations in a community. Little Mira can get her vaccine and stay in school!



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Case Study: Nursing Facility Vaccinations

Grandpa Joe's Case

  • Lives in nursing facility
  • Old model: put everyone on a bus –> send them to the clinic
Innoculate - COVID-19 Vaccine Management Solution

The Solution

Use mobile enabled tablets to bring care to the nursing facility — not just for Grandpa Joe, but also for all his friends. Including screening for:




Preventative care will result in a decrease in using emergency services and overall savings for state Medicare programs.


How does Innoculate help with COVID-19 vaccine distribution? 
Learn how the solution works in this video.
Innoculate Vaccine Management Workflow
How will Innoculate help you with your vaccine workflows?

See the steps in this solution flowchart.

Note: The solution can be customized for each customer’s flow design and can range from a standard inoculation to mass vaccination drive-through clinics.
